
Kindergarten: The School has special names for the kindergarten classes: Nursery as Pearls, LKG as Petals and UKG as Pluto. The 3 'P's focus on Instilling good habits in students like sharing, teaching etiquettes, removing stage fright etc.

Funcity: A vibrant and colourful hall floored with carpet rug equipped with indoor games, see-saw, kiddie rides, blocks, play zone keeping in view that every new shape, colour, texture and sound fascinate a child enabling him/her to learn something new urging him/her to explore.

Yoga: "Yoga boosts self-esteem and confidence "Hence school has incorporated it in our daily schedule. School focus on meditation, fitness and wellness of our students. School has a spacious yoga hall where stretching and various other exercises help them to harmonize mind, body and spirit. Our yoga instructor designs a comprehensive class turn wise by building thoughtful sequences and delivers them clearly to the students.